Personally, I’m about to go play Baldur’s Gate 3. . . for maybe the 8th time through. But before that, let’s explore some ways to make money and play video games! Let’s live the dreeeeaaaaaam.
Strategy One: Make enough Money to have Leisure time.
There are so many jobs out there that offer the flexibility and pay to support a good gaming habit. To get them, we have to be at least 2 of the Trifecta: Creative, Disciplined, or Connected.
To be Creative, we have to be wealthy in time and space. We need to be nimble, voracious learners with enough space and time to make mistakes and move through them without punishing ourselves. We need self-love and trust to be successfully creative and put ourselves out there.
To be Disciplined, we need to “embrace the suck” or find a way to surrender and enjoy the small daily tasks that build our brand, resumes, or bank accounts. Oftentimes, this means facing our biggest inner monsters with honesty and finding small, palatable ways to love them. We learn love and actually enjoy the things we judge in others, and free ourselves from the pain of our inner critics. Discipline is more than just showing up, it’s real, whole presence.
To be Connected, we have to take an honest look at what who we have who actually shows up for us and helps us fulfil our visions. This one can be heartbreaking at times because the people we either want or assume will helps us, aren’t always the ones who will help us achieve our goals. In fact, in my work, I’ve often found that our unhealthy attachments to money are represented in those closest to us - so getting a new support system often becomes a part of the healing process and part of how people make more money. We don’t always need to be connected to people who are wealthy in their own right financially, but we need to find and value some kind of wealth in them, whether they be rich in spirit, intelligence, wisdom, ambition, relationships - whatever - what is it that you need and who will give it to you? Who wants what you have to offer?